Wee & Poo Accidents

This blog explores the challenges faced when children experience wee or poo accidents at school or at home. It highlights the emotional impact & tips.

As a parent, nothing hits harder than seeing your child come home from school and noticing they're wearing different underwear than when they left the house in. Checking their school bag and finding wet soiled underwear your child had been wearing in the morning. Its tough, emotionally draining and confusing. As a parent you can see the discomfort, the frustration and maybe even embarrassment your child is feeling. However your left wondering "what to do to help?"

You're not alone in this journey. Many families face this challenge. Whether its due to anxiety about using the toilets, struggling to recognise body signals and messages, or holding on, it can feel overwhelming for both you and your child. Passing wee or poo in the underwear, is more than just accidents, there about helping your child feel safe, confident and understood. These moments can be a reflection of underlying challenges, but with the right support, things can improve.

The gut brain connection provides valuable insights into emotional and physical health. Guiding you as a parent. The gut-brain connection is often referred to as the gut-brain-axis. This is a communication network that links the central nervous system with the enteric nervous system (the gut).

The gut does more than just digest food, it sends signals to the brain that influences childrens moods, food cravings, sleep, toileting and even behaviour.

Top Tip for wee & poo accidents? 

    Start with practical solutions that enable your child to feel emotionally secure and understood. For example, keep a fragrant nappy sack with clean underwear in your child's school bag, just in case an accident happens. This ensures they feel supported, prepared, with understanding and helps reduce anxiety around wee or poo accidents, on their toileting journey.

        How can Clear Steps Consultancy help your child further with wee & poo accidents?  

        Charmaine, at Clear Steps Consultancy supports neurodiverse children, their families and schools in progressing with toileting, sleep and understanding behaviour, through groups and one to one support. 

        Charmaine understands that navigating toileting issues can be challenging, but, with the right approach, empowers children to feel more capable and independent.

        To help explore the reason "why" wee & poo accidents are taking place the FREE Download: Where to start in getting the PEE & Poo in the loo! can help. Click here for further information: Start your journey here to understanding why wee & poo accidents may be taking place 

        For the next stages and how to help your child further, look out for our Toileting Support.

        Help and support is available!

        Start helping your child with their wees & poos with support today! 

          What next:
          Click here for your FREE download: Where to start in getting the PEE & Poo in the loo!

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          Categories: : children with additional needs, gutbrainaxis, gutbrainconnection, guthealth, neurodiverse, pee, potty, toilet progress, Toileting, toileting problems, wee, accidents, toileting support, toileting challenges, toileting emotions, understanding

          Wee & Poo Accidents