Achieving Poo: SUCCESS

A step by step course for families, nurseries and schools to progress from "Oh no!" to "Oh Yes, poo!"

Course Summary

Achieving Poo: SUCCESS is an online course and so much more. This has been specifically designed by two experienced, specialists in their domain, a collaboration between Clear Steps Consultancy and Therapeeze to support families with knowledge and skills in how to progress children and young people who "only poo in a nappy" "hold on to their poo" "refuse to use the toilet" or "poo around the house or garden" to using the toilet. Progressing from "Oh no!" to "Oh yes, poo!"

Get instant access to your Achieving Poo SUCCESS course TODAY! (Press the enrol in the course, button)
. Feel empowered and confident in supporting your child to achieve poo success.
. Learn the 7 step formula to supporting your child to successfully poo in the toilet.

Are you a parent or professional who feels stuck when supporting children to use the toilet to have a poo, are you faced with behaviours on a regular basis?

Have you been involved with services and been provided with strategies that do not work, or you feel you need additional support that just isn`t accessible to you?

Are you constantly buying different sized nappies or struggle to find nappies to fit?

YOU ARE NOT ALONE, thousands of families experience the same day to day struggles. But, feel re assured, there is support and help available to you.

The achieving poo success formula has been specifically designed by experienced health professionals who have supported thousands of families to achieve poo success.

Within as short as "2" days or as long as "4" weeks (recommended, however its up to you, view the course at your own pace!), you will feel empowered with a range of knowledge, tools and strategies, which will enable you to apply these to your daily life, straight away!

Imagine when the day arrives, that your child accesses the toilet to have a poo, that feeling of calmness, achievement and even relief!

Get instant access to your Achieving Poo SUCCESS course TODAY! (Click on the enrol button now, to start)

With the combined experience of over 30 years, we have worked with hundreds and thousands of families who have children who experience difficulties with pooing for many reasons. Families that feel stuck, feel like they have tried everything and asked for support but either got nowhere or the support wasn`t enough!

As a qualified nurse and occupational therapist, we have created Achieving Poo Success, online course. We have combined our specialist knowledge from helping thousands of families to succeed to now helping you and your family!

Achieving Poo Success course will:
. Empower you as a parent or professional to improve your knowledge.

. Increase your confidence through providing practical strategies to implement on a daily basis. No fancy, expensive equipment or services required!

. A step by step guide, designed to be bespoke to your child`s and families needs.

. A proven formula to develop your families individualised goals and how to achieve them.

. Help you develop a solution focused approach to support the achievement of poo success

. Ensure you feel in control and confident in knowing the best approach for your child.

. Support you every step of the way - through our post course community.

A young girl called Lucy (not the child`s real name, for confidentiality purposes), six years old was able to use the toilet to pass a wee. However, requested and insisted on wearing a pull up nappy to pass a poo, only at home. Lucy was confirmed to hold onto her poos in the day when at school and wait until she returned home, when she would run to the toilet, with her pull up and stand to pass a poo. Lucy would then require support in wiping herself afterwards and changing her clothes if she didn`t reach the toilet and put the pull up on in time. Lucy`s family confirmed that Lucy`s behaviour about the toilet, avoiding the toilet was becoming increasingly difficult to manage before implementing the strategies.
Once Lucy`s family were able to implement the strategies of achieving poo success, Lucy was then able to sit on the toilet and start pooing on the toilet instead of in her pull up nappy. The family were over the moon!

Here`s what you`ll get with the Achieving Poo Success course:
. 9 videos with over ten hours of online training from specialists to help you break down the complexity of achieving poo success.

. Learn specialised knowledge in a no fuss, no jargon format.

. Access on computers or tablet as long as you have internet, learn at your own convenience.

. Access to a post course private community where you can ask the specialist questions, seek additional support and connect with other families who are all working towards the same goal of achieving poo success.

. Life time access to the course, so you can come back and learn and refresh your memory again and again!

To add even more value to Achieving Poo Success and give you the tools you can use right away, we also want to include these bonuses worth over £100:
. A comprehensive step by step guide which will enable you to develop your individualised action plan for your family - £125
. An introduction to sensory processing difficulties training - Value £45
. An introduction to where to start with toileting - Value £45

You can get all of this, for a one time payment of just £99, instead of the original £195 - Limited time only.

This special launch price, is for a limited time, buy it now before the price increases to get your savings by getting instant access TODAY!

Frequently asked questions:
. Do I get lifetime access?

. Is it guaranteed to work and over how long?
 This is not something we can guarantee, but from experience, if you are ready to commit to achieving poo success, then you will succeed, with the strategies being shared within this course. How long it takes, is very much dependent on the consistency of the strategies being used and the response of your child or young person.

. How long are the videos?
 Videos vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes

. How long is the course?
 We recommend you dedicate the time to watch the videos within a period of 4 weeks, so that the knowledge and strategies are fresh in your mind and you can develop your action plan successfully. However, you can take as much or as little time as needed, dependent on your families needs, watching the course over a week or over several weeks, its really up to you!

. Is there further support available?
 Yes! Further support is available within the exclusive group, having access to two specialists.

ACHIEVING POO SUCCESS, start your journey today, BOOK NOW!

Course Curriculum

Charmaine Marie Champ Champ

Welcome to Clear Steps Consultancy.

As a Continence Sleep and Behaviour Consultant with over twenty-five years qualified experience, Charmaine understands what it means to take the first steps in seeking and needing help, advice and further information. Charmaine developed Clear Steps Consultancy to support individual Children, young people, with and with out a diagnosis, internationally. Clear Steps Consultancy enables families, carers, nurseries, schools, charities, organisations and professionals to access proven, focused, research with experience and quality help, care, training and support.

Having a Registered Nurse in learning Disabilities (RNLD Diploma in Health and Social Worker) and a BSc (Hons) Community Nurse Specialist Practice Degree background and experience of working in clinics, schools, charities, NHS settings, family homes and organizations, Charmaine ensures children, young people and their families are always at the core of all support approaches.

Clear Steps Consultancy provides step by step support approaches for individuals to progress through:

. Continence

. Behaviour

. Sleep

The individual approaches available incorporate physical health needs, alternative communication, sensory needs, dietetic advice, environment, incentives and motivators, enabling more than one need to be explored, to truly understand what the underlying need is, what the child is experiencing, the reason for the difficulties and how to help them as an individual, their family and the team of support around them in moving forward and progressing.

The support approaches available at Clear Steps Consultancy include courses, webinars, groups, published books, starter package's and Solution Consultancy Direct Assessment Packages of Care.

To clarify and confirm the best support approach for you as a family, organisation, feel free to contact Charmaine via:

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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Achieving Poo: SUCCESS


  • Achieving Poo: SUCCESS

    • Evidence based knowledge and skills, with thirty years qualified experience
    • Step by step support video modules
    • Step by step to "why" pooing in a nappy or with holding is occurring
    • Step by step to "how" to progress to pooing in a toilet
    • Opportunity to work through each of the modules at your own pace
    • Seven steps to moving from "Oh no" to "Oh yes, poo!" success
    • BONUS: Comprehensive Achieving Poo: SUCCESS Step by Step Guide
    • BONUS: Comprehensive assessments support success
    • BONUS: Printable resources
    • BONUS: Activities to implement with your child or young person
    • BONUS: Follow up support within a private group
    • Opportunity to ask questions & receive ongoing support following the course
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