How to get the PEE & Poo in the loo!

Revolutionary ongoing support group sharing everything you need to help your child progress with toileting, with support

Support Summary

Toileting accidents can occur in the day or night when starting or trying to progress with Toileting at home, nursery, school and when out and about.

Toileting accidents can escalate to "Toileting Problems" where parents are being called in to nursery or school, up to five times a day to address their child`s toileting accidents.

We know that you as a "Parent", want to help your child. 
We know, that you have often sought out potty and toilet training advice from other parents or social media, which often works to a point, or, for a few weeks. However, a few months down the line children begin to have PEE or Poo accidents again! 
Or, the advice has never worked and the Pee and Poo accidents don`t go away!

We understand that as a parent you may be starting your toileting journey, or have been trying to progress for several years.
We understand that some children find it difficult sitting on the toilet or even being on the toilet
We understand that some children only poo or wee in a nappy, and struggle to transition to wearing underwear

It can be confusing, with so many conflicting pieces of advice, in knowing where and how to overcome toileting accidents and toileting difficulties.

It can also be very lonely!

Were here for you!

Were here to help you and your family!

Having already launched the Healthy School Toilet Campaign, supported by the British Toilet Association (BTA), Charmaine is now sharing this PEE & Poo in the loo support group, for families, of children aged 18 months to young people aged 25 years.

Members of the revolutionary support group will gain a greater understanding of the three key areas to toileting progress, and have access to Toileting Connections (additional toileting support to help you at every stage) information sharing sessions and Q & A LIVE sessions, accessing Charmaine`s twenty five years toileting experience, and community support, to help individualise toileting approaches and so much more, to really make a difference and help your child or the child you are supporting, get their PEE & Poo in the loo!

Together we can help your child progress! With everything you need in one place!

Together we can help your child progress with toileting, through:

How to get the PEE & Poo in the loo!

Revolutionary Support Group:
To help families:
Get the PEE & Poo in the loo!

Providing ongoing support for you as a family, nursery and school

Support options available as: An individual family

Access to LIVE and recorded information sharing sessions (which are also recorded to watch at a time that`s right for you)

Sharing step by step support to help you progress with toileting at home and school

Toileting connections sharing everything you need to help you progress with toileting in the one place, as and when you need it: Children with additional needs, Bedwetting and so much more!

Q & A opportunities with a Continence Sleep and Understanding Behaviour Consultant sharing twenty years of qualified and personal experience

Includes: Step by Step Guide: Where to start and progress.
"14" pages of additional support & advice

FUN Childrens activities to help engage and connect children and help them learn the skills needed for toileting and the toileting process

And so much more...for the one low price!

Support Group

Support is available for you as a family
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  • How to get the PEE & Poo in the loo!

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Charmaine Marie Champ Champ

Welcome to Clear Steps Consultancy.

As a Continence Sleep and Behaviour Consultant with over twenty-five years qualified experience, Charmaine understands what it means to take the first steps in seeking and needing help, advice and further information. Charmaine developed Clear Steps Consultancy to support individual Children, young people, with and with out a diagnosis, internationally. Clear Steps Consultancy enables families, carers, nurseries, schools, charities, organisations and professionals to access proven, focused, research with experience and quality help, care, training and support.

Having a Registered Nurse in learning Disabilities (RNLD Diploma in Health and Social Worker) and a BSc (Hons) Community Nurse Specialist Practice Degree background and experience of working in clinics, schools, charities, NHS settings, family homes and organizations, Charmaine ensures children, young people and their families are always at the core of all support approaches.

Clear Steps Consultancy provides step by step support approaches for individuals to progress through:

. Continence

. Behaviour

. Sleep

The individual approaches available incorporate physical health needs, alternative communication, sensory needs, dietetic advice, environment, incentives and motivators, enabling more than one need to be explored, to truly understand what the underlying need is, what the child is experiencing, the reason for the difficulties and how to help them as an individual, their family and the team of support around them in moving forward and progressing.

The support approaches available at Clear Steps Consultancy include courses, webinars, groups, published books, starter package's and Solution Consultancy Direct Assessment Packages of Care.

To clarify and confirm the best support approach for you as a family, organisation, feel free to contact Charmaine via: