Where to start with sleep?

FREE Download Fact Sheet

Course Summary

FREE Download fact sheet to support families in identifying individual childrens difficulties with settling sleep and advice on where to start in promoting successful sleep.

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Charmaine Champ

Welcome to Clear Steps Consultancy.

As a Continence Sleep and Behaviour Consultant with over twenty-five years qualified experience, Charmaine understands what it means to take the first steps in seeking and needing help, advice and further information. Charmaine developed Clear Steps Consultancy to support individual Children, young people, with and with out a diagnosis, internationally. Clear Steps Consultancy enables families, carers, nurseries, schools, charities, organisations and professionals to access proven, focused, research with experience and quality help, care, training and support.

Having a Registered Nurse in learning Disabilities (RNLD Diploma in Health and Social Worker) and a BSc (Hons) Community Nurse Specialist Practice Degree background and experience of working in clinics, schools, charities, NHS settings, family homes and organizations, Charmaine ensures children, young people and their families are always at the core of all support approaches.

Clear Steps Consultancy provides step by step support approaches for individuals to progress through:

. Continence

. Behaviour

. Sleep

The individual approaches available incorporate physical health needs, alternative communication, sensory needs, dietetic advice, environment, incentives and motivators, enabling more than one need to be explored, to truly understand what the underlying need is, what the child is experiencing, the reason for the difficulties and how to help them as an individual, their family and the team of support around them in moving forward and progressing.

The support approaches available at Clear Steps Consultancy include courses, webinars, groups, published books, starter package's and Solution Consultancy Direct Assessment Packages of Care.

To clarify and confirm the best support approach for you as a family, organisation, feel free to contact Charmaine via: www.clearstepsconsultancy.co.u...

Highly Recommended. Easy to Understand, Informative, Thank you!!

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Where to start with sleep?


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