Where to start with behaviour & family challenges?

Family life can be challenging in so many different ways. Within this blog we focus on behaviours and how to help as a family.

As a family it can often feel like a juggling act with work, children, marriage, friends, family, nursery, school, college, support in learning new skills like toileting, homework, activities, clubs, exercise, food shopping, mealtimes, playtimes, bedtimes, to name just a few. 

With our children with additional needs, we also have the added commitments of meetings with various different professionals, reviews, hospital appointments, assessments, form filling, ordering medical supplies and so much more in between! Family life really can be challenging at times.

When experiencing added pressures and responsibilities, as an adult, or as a parent our behaviour can present in different ways. With the addition of hunger, tiredness and the possible need to use the toilet our behaviours can intensify or worsen. This results in overwhelming responses.

As an adult or parent we are able to feel the build up of feelings, can often identify "why" the feelings or behavioural responses are occurring, because, from experience we know that: 

  • Eating can reduce hunger feelings
  • Relaxing or sleeping can reduce tired feelings
  • Using the toilet to pass either a wee or a poo, can reduce the need to use the toilet
  • And speaking with friends, family or colleagues and sharing responsibilities and reviewing our "things to do" list, can reduce the pressures we may be experiencing.

    Behaviour can present in many different ways, with our children aswell, including raising of the voice, shouting, screaming, kicking, hitting out, pushing others, running away, hiding and many many more. The difference between our responses as a parent and our childrens responses are how we can express ourselves. Our children are learning and associating pictures and words with actions, feelings and activities. Often our children struggle to know what to say and how to say it.

    Our children, "are children" which means they are learning, learning to understand changes inside their body and outside of their body and learning what to do. This therefore means that our children may not know "why" they are behaving and responding the way that they are, because they may not know "what" the feeling or sensation is. It also means that our children may not respond in the right way for the given situation.

    What is behaviour?

    Behaviour with us as adults, parents and our children is a form of communication. Behaviour presents differently with different people because of experience, understanding, interpretation and expression.

    Do you know where to start with behaviour and family challenges? 

    We can start helping our children, and our family, through learning more about why behaviour happens, identify the trigger for your child and understand that behaviour is an unmet need, that our children need support with. 

    Overwhelm can occur, either internally within the body or externally outside of the body, with changes in routines, increased demands or expectations and more. During overwhelming feelings, children may not be feeling safe within their body or their environment. 

    To reduce family challenges, routine and structured daily activities can provide the predictability our children seek. 

    Children are not able to implement routines and structure independently, therefore need the support from us as an adult or parent.

    At Clear Steps Consultancy we appreciate how important parents and the family are. We also appreciate time is limited in an already busy life. We want to help you and we can!
    We have put together a range of useful resources and step by step approaches, to help you as a family, where ever you may be on the behaviour journey. 

    If you are ready to make the first step, we can help by helping you: 
    1. Understand "why" behaviours occur further, through downloading our Free information. Click here to download your FREE copy today: Understanding Behaviour
    2. Joining us for a LIVE, low cost session and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have: Understanding Behaviour LIVE session. Understanding Behaviour shares how the brain, body reacts and shares helpful tips that can be implemented straight away to help your child and family.

    3. For a one to one, individual approach, support is available through a Parenting Support Package. A Parenting Support Package includes an in depth meeting with you as a family and a step by step plan of exactly where to start and what to do. Contact us, via the website, clicking on "contact us" to arrange your one to one support approach: www.clearstepsconsultancy.co.uk 

      How can Clear Steps Consultancy help you further with your family?

      Charmaine, at Clear Steps Consultancy supports children with and without a diagnosis, additional needs, their families, schools, organisations, charities and professionals in progressing and being successful with Toileting, Sleeping and Understanding Behaviour.  Support available to help with Behaviour, is as individual as the children, families and schools themselves, from online support to one to one Parenting Support Packages to Comprehensive assessments.

      Charmaine, helps children progress with behaviour, through the FREE Download Understanding BehaviourLIVE Family Support & Information SessionsParenting Support Packages, and Comprehensive in-depth Behaviour Assessment Packages with two, three or four assessments, visit our website or scan the QR code to find out more: www.clearstepsconsultancy.co.uk 

      Help and support really is available!

      Start helping your child, by understanding behaviour today!

        What next:
        Click here to receive your FREE download of Understanding Behaviour: Understanding Behaviour FREE Download

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        For further support and advice and book your FREE Introductory Consultation Call, LIVE support sessions, online courses or one to one approaches.

        Categories: : Behaviour, Family
